Natural Theology (8)

Natural theology seeks to obtain a philosophical knowledge of God by suppressing the knowledge of God that comes through natural revelation.Failure of Natural Theology, 22

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Natural theology is not universally, effectively, immediately, consistently, and infallibly communicated from above. Rather than originating from the mind of God, natural theology originates from the mind of man. Natural theology is man's attempt to discover the truth about God through empirical and rational analysis and philosophical speculation.Failure of Natural Theology, 16

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natural theology, like all forms of philosophy, comes from the worldly wisdom of fallible men.Failure of Natural Theology, 11

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Natural theology, unlike revealed theology, does not start with God's self-disclosure. Natural theology, at least for Aquinas, begins on the false notion that man is ignorant of God. Rather than starting out with the immediate knowledge and awareness of God, natural theology seeks to construct a knowledge of God through reason and experience.Failure of Natural Theology, 11

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general revelation refers to what God makes known of himself through creation. It is accepted and understood by faith. It proceeds from God and reaches us. On the other hand, natural theology, as it is called, refers to attempts by humans to argue for the existence and nature of God based on what is known or observed in creation and providence. It assumes that we have the capacity to know a great deal about God on the basis of our own powers of reason and observation.Systematic Theology, 55-56

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the branch of philosophy that treats the existence and nature of God is called natural theologyFailure of Natural Theology, 10

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Natural theology is not natural revelation. This is important to stress because natural theology and natural revelation are often conflated togetherFailure of Natural Theology, 10

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